
Showing posts from November, 2017

Pruning your Winter Park trees can extend their life!

When you have trees on your Winter Park property, pruning them is important because it can prolong their life.  Of course, there is a science to how and when this should be done, so it is imperative that you leave this task to a tree service professional.  If this is done properly, it will allow the tree to provide and receive the proper number of nutrients.  If there are too many branches, it can put the tree into distress thus not allowing it to receive the proper nutrition. Also, if the trees are pruned during the wrong time of the year, it can cause the tree to die.  Read more about pruning trees by clicking here. So, if you want to extend the life of your trees, you need to find a reputable tree service company who will prune your trees for you.  To ensure you choose a good tree company, you need to take the time to do your homework. As you begin your search on the internet, you will retrieve millions of results.  Of course, not all of these are tree companies, but it